Challenge 152 Task #2 - Untangling the rects

[Task #2] - Rectangle Area


Original Description

You are given coordinates bottom-left and top-right corner of two rectangles in a 2D plane.

Write a script to find the total area covered by the two rectangles.

Example 1:

Input: Rectangle 1 => (-1,0), (2,2)
Rectangle 2 => (0,-1), (4,4)

Output: 22

Example 2:

Input: Rectangle 1 => (-3,-1), (1,3)
Rectangle 2 => (-1,-3), (2,2)

Output: 25


Full Source

For the second task of this week’s challenge I will follow these steps

  1. Calculate the area of the two given triangles
  2. Find the corners of the overlapping rectangle
  3. Calculate the overlap area.
  4. Calculate the total area by adding the areas of the two given rectangles and subtract the area of the overlap.

This process is laid out in the following Perl routine:

sub rectangles_area ( $rectangle1, $rectangle2 ) {
    my $area1 = rectangle_area($rectangle1);
    my $area2 = rectangle_area($rectangle2);

    my $overlap_rectangle =
      find_overlapping_rectangle( $rectangle1, $rectangle2 );

    my $overlap_area = rectangle_area($overlap_rectangle);

    return $area1 + $area2 - $overlap_area;

To calculate the area of a rectangle were we know the lower left and upper right corner, we first need to calculate the side lengths of the rectangle. We find these by calculating the absolute difference of the x and y coordinates of the given corners. With the side lengths in place we multiply them to get the area.

sub rectangle_area($rectangle) {
    my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = map { @ } @$rectangle;

    my $x = abs( $x1 - $x2 );
    my $y = abs( $y1 - $y2 );

    return $x * $y;


Now we need to find the corners of the overlapping area of the two rectangles. For the lower left corner coordinates we take the maximum of the x and y components of the lower left corners of the given rectangles. For the upper right corner we do the same, using the minimum this time. If one of the coordinates of the supposed lower left corner is bigger then the corresponding coordinate from the upper right corner, there is no overlap at all. We return an empty rectangle in the origin of our plane. Otherwise, we return the corners we just found.

sub find_overlapping_rectangle ( $rectangle1, $rectangle2 ) {
    my ( $x11, $y11, $x12, $y12 ) = map { @ } @$rectangle1;
    my ( $x21, $y21, $x22, $y22 ) = map { @ } @$rectangle2;

    my $x1 = max( $x11, $x21 );
    my $y1 = max( $y11, $y21 );

    my $x2 = min( $x12, $x22 );
    my $y2 = min( $y12, $y22 );

    if ( $x1 > $x2 || $y1 > $y2 ) {
        ## no overlap, return rectangle with empty area
        return [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];

    return [ [ $x1, $y1 ], [ $x2, $y2 ] ];

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